Appraising screening, making risk in/visible. The medical debate over Non-Rare Thrombophilia (NRT) testing before prescribing the pill
Datos y Recursos
Información Adicional
Campo | Valor |
Identificador | |
Autoría | |
Proyecto | |
Nombre | Appraising screening, making risk in/visible. The medical debate over Non-Rare Thrombophilia (NRT) testing before prescribing the pill |
Descripción |
The dataset includes: - a detailed description of the search procedure, the queries adopted, and selection criteria of selection exclusion (section #1); - the two original bibliographic searches (section #2 & #3); - the final 21 articles selected coming from these searches and 7 additional articles coming from manual searches of literature reviews (section #4). |
Temáticas |
Etiquetas | |
Fecha de creación | 2021-08-11T00:00:00 |
Fecha última actualización | |
Frecuencia de actualización | |
Idiomas |
Cobertura geográfica |
Cobertura geográfica. Internacional | |
Cobertura temporal | |
Vigencia del recurso | |
Recursos relacionados | |
Normativa |
Publicador | Publicador - Digital.CSIC |
Observaciones |
Turrini, Mauro; Bourgain, Catherine; 2021; Appraising screening, making risk in/visible. The medical debate over Non-Rare Thrombophilia (NRT) testing before prescribing the pill [DATASET]; DIGITAL.CSIC; |